Development & Production

9b can help develop your styles. With a team of pattern makers, Grading and Marking specialties, Sample cutters and sewers, we help bring your styles to life.

We can work with third party product development teams as well as product developers from brands.

9b offers cut and sew services to brands that expect a high level of quality. In certain cases, we do offer full package options.

Cut and Sew minimums are as low as 250 pcs/style. In some cases, lower quantities are accepted.

Other services we offer our clients:

Grading/Marking and pattern Digitizing
Fabric Washing, Pre-shrinking, Framing, Resin finish
Dying (Piece and Garment wash/dye)
Denim Laundry Services
Trim/Fabric Sourcing (Woven/knits)
Embroidery and Silk Screening